shardedsource (using cluster-to-cluster sync)
Perform the following steps to create a dSource with the shardedsource ingestion type.
The source and staging instances must meet the host requirements as described in Requirements for MongoDB staging/target hosts.
For MongoDB Atlas, you must obtain the MongoDB 3.4 or earlier connection string of Mongo Shell from Atlas UI to use it as source MongoDB host connect string.
Creating a dSource
Login to Delphix Management application.
Click Manage -> Environments.
Click on Add dSource.
In the Add dSource dialog window, select the MongoDB source config created on the staging host.
Select the dSource type from the drop-down list in the dSource dialog window.
Enter the Mongo-specific parameters for your dSource configuration.
dSource Type: This is the Type of dSource.
dSource (Sharded/Replica Set) details:
Staging Replicaset Name: This is the staging Database replica set name. The default value is
. -
Staging MongoDB Host: This is the staging host for creating a dSource.
Mount Path: This is the mount Path for dSource MongoDB instance data files.
bindIP String: The default value is
. -
Staging Port: This is the staging host port for MongoDB dSource instance.
dSource tuning details:
Oplog Size: This is the size of
. -
Journal Commit Interval: This is the journal commit interval, measured in ms.
Storage Engine: The default value is
. -
Enable SetParams: Enable the specified
. -
Set Parameter: These are the parameters that must be added in the mongod.conf.
Enable Auditlog: Enable the specified audit log parameters.
Auditlog Parameters: These are the parameters that must be added in the mongod.conf file.
Sharded dSource details:
Mongos Port Number: This is the port that must be used for MongoDB's router instance.
Mongosync Port Number: This the available port for the
utility. -
Enable Authentication: Enable member and client authentication for the database.
dSource authentication details:
Mongo Admin User: This is the admin user of the staging database. This user should be created on the fly.
MongoDB Password: This is the admin user password of the staging database.
Cluster Auth Mode: The accepted values are:
. -
KeyAuth keyfile name: This is the absolute path of keyfile.
Enable SSL/TLS: Enable SSL/TLS member authentication.
SSL/TLS Parameters: Specify at least the following parameters;
. tlsMode must beallowTLS
for shardedsource (cluster-to-cluster sync).
Enable data encryption: Enable KMIP or keyfile based encryption.
Data encryption details:
Encryption Method: keyfile or KMIP.
Local Encryption KeyFile: This is the keyfile path for local encryption.
KMIP Parameters: Provide the KMIP parameter details. For example,
Client Certificate for Mongos/Mongo session on Primary Node: This is the absolute path of client certificate to connect to staging database.
Client CA Certificate for Mongos/Mongo session on Primary Node: This is the absolute path of root CA certificate that signed the client certificate.
Click Submit to create a dSource.
You must specify the inputs KeyAuth keyfile name
and Cluster Auth Mode
when Enable Authentication is selected.