Delphix’s Select Connector for Salesforce is targeted at helping organizations manage sensitive Salesforce data between development environments, without inducing a trade-off between speed and compliance.
The masking feature gives organizations the ability to mask and utilize their Salesforce data in tandem with the rest of their data ecosystem.
Mask Salesforce via JDBC
Ability to mask Salesforce test environments (“sandboxes” in Salesforce parlance).
The key value here is masking with realistic data and retaining referential integrity across data sources masked with Delphix
Manage Salesforce Metadata Packages
Ability to disable and re-enable Salesforce packages (ex: triggers/workflow rules).
Salesforce metadata packages can slow down masking performance or even cause masking failure. The Delphix solution addresses this issue by disabling metadata packages pre-masking and re-enabling them post-masking.
Rehearse Salesforce Metadata Package Deployment
Ability to rehearse Salesforce metadata package management.
A rehearsal tool as a pre-flight aid on disabling and enabling Salesforce packages, and have a high-level of granularity in troubleshooting, as Salesforce has some packages that cannot be disabled or require Admin privileges.
Setup masking for Salesforce base tables with a single command
Sensitive fields in the out-of-the-box Salesforce schema are pre-identified and assigned with the corresponding masking algorithm, for all of the tables that come standard with Salesforce. This accelerates launch, reducing QA effort, and minimizes error risk.