Requirements for Oracle EBS target data sources
This topic outlines the requirements for the EBS source databases.
Requirements for Target DBTechstack environments
Provisioning of Oracle RAC Home is not supported: The Delphix Continuous Data Engine does not support provisioning Oracle RAC DBTechstack for use with Oracle E-Business Suite.
However, you may provision an Oracle standalone DBTechstack from a linked EBS
Follow these requirements to ensure that your environment is configured accordingly:
Target environment requirement |
Explanation |
Ensure your target EBS R12.2 instance is supported
See Virtual EBS R12.2 instance requirements to ensure you can provision your EBS R12.2 instance. |
Ensure your EBS 12.2 environments comply with Oracle's documentation |
Your environments must comply with Oracle's requirements for installing EBS. These requirements are outlined on Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1320300.1) found at Oracle has released an E-Business Suite Pre-Install RPM (available on ULN and public yum) that includes all required RPMs for both the AppsTier and DBTier of an R12.2 installation. Details can be found in Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 (Doc ID 1330701.1) found at |
Unix requirements |
The dbTier must meet the target requirements outlined in Requirements for Unix Environments. These requirements are generic to all target Unix environments you add to the Delphix Continuous Data Engine. |
oracle user |
The Delphix Continuous Data Engine must have access to an oracle user on the DBTier. This user should be a member of both the EBS dba and oinstall groups. This user will be given proper permissions to manage the DBTechstack and database. |
oraInst.loc |
An oraInst.loc file must exist on the dbTier prior to provisioning. This file will specify where the oraInventory directories live or where they should be created if they do not already exist. The oraInst.loc file is typically located at /etc/oraInst.loc on Linux or /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc on Solaris. Ensure the oraInventory/inventory_loc directory is writable by the application or database tier OS user. Consult Oracle EBS documentation for more information about where to place this file on your dbTier and what this file should contain. |
For compatible Oracle Linux, RHEL, AIX and Solaris environments make sure that the /etc/hosts file is formatted as follows:
Hostname and its IP address of Database host and AppsTier host(s) (primary and secondary hosts for multi node) should be added in the /etc/hosts file of all the Database, host, AppsTier host(s) (primary and secondary hosts for Multi Node). These correct entries are required to avoid adcfgclone utility timeout issue on the prompt for "Target System Domain Name". |
Permission to run:
The following permissions are usually granted via sudo authorization of the commands. See Sudo Privilege Requirements for Oracle Environments for further explanation of the commands, and Sudo File Configuration Examples for Oracle Environments for examples of the /etc/sudoers file on different operating systems. |
Kernel shmmax and shmall values
The minimum required kernel.shmmax value on target hosts should be at least half the size of physical memory in bytes. The minimum required kernel.shmall value on target hosts should be greater than or equal to the value of shmmax, in pages. |
utilities |
Ensure that "expect", “wget“ "ar" “ld“ “make“, "X Display (optional)", and “linkxlC(only on AIX)“ utilities exist on the target database and APPS server. |
Requirements for Target database environments
Follow these requirements outlined in Oracle support and requirements to ensure that your environment is configured accordingly. These requirements are generic to all target Unix environments expected to host a virtual Oracle database.
Requirements for Target AppsTier environments
Follow these requirements to ensure that your environment is configured accordingly:
The AppsTier must meet the target requirements outlined in Requirements for Unix environments. These requirements are generic to all target Unix environments added to the Delphix Continuous Data Engine.
Target environment requirement |
Explanation |
The Delphix Continuous Data Engine must have access to an applmgr user on the AppsTier. This user should be a member of the EBS oinstall group. The user should own the stage directory for AppsTier files that will be cloned. |
delphix_os OS user account |
In order to separate authentication and perform privileged operations with a non-privileged OS account, first create an OS user account (i.e. "delphix_os") on the EBS DB Tier and AppsTier node to be used as a target. This user can be easily created using the script. For more information, read the EBS Glossary page. The primary OS group of the Delphix Continuous Data Engine software owner account (i.e. delphix_os) must be the same as the EBS Database/AppsTier software owner account (i.e. oravis or applmgr). Primary group = Oracle Install Group (typically oinstall), secondary group = OSDBA Group (typically dba). There are lots of cases where the OS group named dba fills this role, so be sure to check the group membership of the EBS Database and AppsTier software owner account. Please note, the non-privileged OS account must have the same group as assigned to EBS Database or AppsTier privileged account (like oravis or applmgr).
oraInst.loc |
An oraInst.loc file must exist on the AppsTier prior to provisioning. This file will specify where the oraInventory directories live or where they should be created if they do not already exist. The oraInst.loc file is typically located at /etc/oraInst.loc on Linux or /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc on Solaris. Ensure the oraInventory/inventory_loc directory is writable by the application or database tier OS user. For more information, read the Oracle central inventory page. Consult Oracle EBS documentation for more information about where to place this file on your AppsTier and what this file should contain. |
utilities |
Ensure that "expect", “wget“ "ar" “ld“ “make“, "X Display (optional)", and “linkxlC(only on AIX)“ utilities exist on the remote host. |
Multi node(shared APPL_TOP) support for AppsTier
Following are the requirements in order to deploy a multi-node AppsTier. These requirements should be met along with the requirements for regular AppsTier target environments.
username and GID |
The primary host and the secondary host user name and its UID, Group name and GID must be the same to avoid any permission issue during the provisioning operation. Check the high and low privilege user id and GID in the primary and secondary node and change it accordingly using groupmod with the following commands:
passwordless ssh |
Primary and secondary AppsTier hosts need to be configured with passwordless ssh if the target WLS password is going to be different from the source WLS password or for configuring WLS password different from source. |
Oracle central inventory should be on common shared location between Application servers |
While configuring shared APPL_TOP application, instead of storing oraInventory on the local directory of each server, all application servers should point to the same oraInventory directory on shared Delphix mount storage, so that you need to patch only on a single server and the oralnventory gets in-sync for all application servers thus preventing the oralnventory of remaining servers becoming invalid. Details can be found in Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 384248.1) found at You can also consult Oracle EBS documentation for more information about where to place this file on your AppsTier and what this file should contain. |