Required MongoDB O/S permissions for the Delphix OS user

Requiretty settings

Delphix Continuous Data Engine requires that the requiretty setting must be disabled for all Delphix Continuous Data Engine users with sudo privileges.

It is required to specify the NOPASSWD qualifier within the sudo configuration file, as shown in the above command. This ensures that the sudo command does not demand the entry of a password, even for the "display permissions” (i.e. sudo -l) command.

  • Additionally, Delphix OS users should meet the following criteria:

    • Regular OS user with primary group as mongod.

    • Execute access on mongosh/mongod binaries.

    • Must have access to backup files of the source database stored on the staging host.

    • Must have execute access on all files within the MongoDB installation folder. The minimum permission level 775 is recommended.

  • Ensure any login banners similar to the one in the image below are disabled on the staging host.mongo db user settings