
Perform the following steps to create a dSource with the onlinemongodump ingestion type.


  • The source and staging instances must meet the host requirements as described in Requirements for MongoDB staging/target hosts.

  • For MongoDB Atlas, you must obtain the MongoDB 3.4 or earlier connection string of Mongo Shell from the Atlas UI to use it as source MongoDB host connect string.

Creating a dSource

  1. Login to Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage -> Environments.

  3. Click on Add dSource.

  4. In the Add dSource wizard, select the MongoDB source config created on the staging host.

  5. Select the dSource type from the drop-down list in the dSource dialog window.

  6. Enter the Mongo-specific parameters for your dSource configuration.

    1. dSource Type: This is the dSource type.

    2. Source database details:

      1. Source MongoDB Host Connect String: These are the details of the source database.

      2. MongoDB Source Database User: This is the source database username.

      3. MongoDB Password: This is the source database password.

    3. dSource (Sharded/Replica Set) details:

      1. Staging Replicaset Name: This is the staging database replica set name. The default value is dlpx_rs0.

      2. Staging MongoDB Host: This is the staging host for creating a dSource.

      3. Mount Path: This is the mount path for dSource MongoDB instance data files.

      4. bindIP String: The default value is

      5. Staging Port: This is the staging host port for MongoDB dSource instance.

    4. dSource tuning details:

      1. Oplog Size: This is the size of oplogs

      2. Journal Commit Interval: This is the journal commit interval, measured in ms. 

      3. Storage Engine: The default value is wiredTiger

      4. Enable SetParams: Enable the specified setParameters

      5. Set Parameter: These are the parameters that need to be added in the mongod.conf. 

      6. Enable Auditlog: Enable the specified audit log parameters. 

      7. Auditlog Parameters: These are the parameters that need to be added in the mongod.conf file.

    5. Mongodump Backup/Tuning details:

      1. Capture oplogs of replicaset: Capture oplogs while running online mongodump.

      2. Mongodump Tuning Parameters: These are the pairs of parameter name and value for mongodump command line.

      3. Mongorestore Tuning Parameters: These are the pairs of parameter name and value for mongorestore command line.

    6. Enable Authentication Enable member and client authentication for the database.

    7. dSource authentication details:

      1. Mongo Admin User: This is the admin user of the staging database. This user should be created on the fly.

      2. MongoDB Password: This is the admin user password of the staging database.

      3. Cluster Auth Mode: The accepted values are: None, keyfile, x509, sendKeyFile, sendX509

      4. KeyAuth keyfile name: This is the absolute path of keyfile. 

    8. Enable SSL/TLS: Enable SSL/TLS member authentication. 

      1. SSL/TLS Parameters: Specify at least the following parameters; tlsMode, tlsCAFile, tlsCertificateKeyFile.

    9. Enable data encryption: Enable KMIP or keyfile based encryption.

    10. Data encryption details:

      1. Encryption Method: keyfile or KMIP.

      2. Local Encryption keyfile: This is the keyfile path for local encryption. 

      3. KMIP Parameters: Provide the KMIP parameter details. For example, kmipClientCertificateFile, kmipPort, kmipServerCAFile, kmipServerName.

      4. Client Certificate for Mongos/Mongo session on Primary Node: This is the absolute path of client certificate to connect to staging database. 

  7. Click Submit to create a dSource.

You must specify the inputs KeyAuth keyfile name and Cluster Auth Mode when Enable Authentication is selected.