Migrating an EBS VDB

This topic describes how to migrate an EBS Virtual Database (VDB) from one target environment to another.

There may be situations in which you want to migrate a virtual database to a new target environment, for example when upgrading the host on which the VDB resides, or as part of a general data center migration. This is easily accomplished by first disabling the database, then using the Migrate VDB feature to select a new target environment.

There are three components for any EBS environment - DBTechstack, Database, and AppsTier. Whenever we create virtual copies for any EBS environment, we provision these components in the following sequence:

  1. DBTechstack

  2. Database

  3. AppsTier

We can only migrate the EBS database (VDB) with the following prerequisite.


You should have already set up a new target environment that is compatible with the VDB that you want to migrate.


  1. Login to your Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Datasets.

  4. Select the VDB you want to migrate.

  5. From the Actions menu (...) select Disable.

  6. Click Disable to confirm. When the VDB is disabled, its icon will turn gray.

  7. From the Actions menu (...) select Migrate.

  8. Select the new target environment for the VDB, the user for that environment, and the database installation where the VDB will reside.

  9. Select Migrate to confirm your selections.

  10. From the Actions menu (...) select the Enable

  11. Click Enable to confirm.
    Within a few minutes, your VDB will restart in the new environment, and you can continue using it.

  12. You need tProvisioning the Oracle EBS DBTechStack on the new target environment with a similar DB name VDB that you want to migrate.

  13. EBS appsTier vFile cannot be migrated, you need to re-configure the EBS appsTier by modifying the custom configuration for Target DB server node information to the target environment where VDB is migrated.