Overview of provisioning SAP ASE virtual databases

Virtual databases are a key data management concept for Delphix. In order to create or provision a virtual database, you will need a linked dSource from a source host and a compatible target environment, as described in the overview for Environment management and Requirements for SAP ASE Environments and Databases.

From a dSource, you can select a snapshot or point in time to create a VDB. SQL Server VDBs each have their own configuration settings as described in Configuration Settings for ASE Virtual Databases below.


  1. In the Datasets panel on the left-hand side, click the group containing the dSource or VDB from which you want to provision.

  2. Click the Timeflow tab.

  3. Select a snapshot or open LogSync timeline to provision by a specific log or point in time.

    • Find more detail about initial provisioning options in the section ‘Provisioning by Snapshot or LogSync’ below.

  4. Click to open the Provision VDB wizard, and select a compatible Target Environment for the new ASE VDB

  5. Review the information presented for Target Configuration and edit as necessary.

  6. Select a Snapshot Policy for the VDB.

  7. (Optional) - Selective Data Distribution - After policies, there is a masking option.

  8. Enter any operations that should be run in the Hooks page. These scripts can be managed after provision in the VDB’s configuration page.

When provisioning starts, you can review the progress of the job by selecting the VDB and clicking on the Status tab, or by selecting Manage/Dashboards and viewing the Job History panel. Alternatively, you could see this in the Actions Sidebar. When provisioning is complete, the VDB will be included in the group you designated and listed in the Datasets panel. If you select the VDB in the Datasets panel and click the Configuration tab, you can view information about the database and its Data Management settings.

Provisioning by snapshot or LogSync

When provisioning by Snapshot, you can provision to the start of any particular snapshot by time.

Provisioning by snapshot/time


Provisioning By Snapshot

You can provision by using a Snapshot. In that case, a new VDB will be provisioned to the database state as of the Snapshot.

Provision by Time

If you have enabled Log Sync, you can provision a new database to a point in time. You can select a snapshot and then using time entry fields, specify a Point in Time. Delphix will use the selected snapshot to restore the VDB and use the log files to roll forward the VDB to the selected time.

Configuration settings for ASE virtual databases

Each VDB has its own data management settings, found during the provisioning workflow as well as in the configuration page for that VDB. When you create a SAP ASE VDB, Delphix copies most configuration settings from the dSource and uses them to create the VDB. However, you can customize these with the following settings:



Recovery model

The current recovery model of the source database. This field will auto-populate with information from the dSource.

Auto VDB restart

Enabling this option will automatically restart this VDB whenever its target host is rebooted.

Automatic VDB restart on target server sfter reboot

The Delphix platform now automatically detects whether a target server has been rebooted, and proactively restarts any VBD on that server that was previously up and running. This is independent of the data platform. It is done as if you realized a target server was restarted and issued a start command from the Delphix platform. This feature is compatible with Self-Service ordering dependencies and is limited to non-clustered VDBs.

To enable automatic restart, complete the following steps:

  • When provisioning a new VDB in the VDB Provisioning wizard, check the Auto VDB restart box.

Once the VDB has been provisioned, you will be able to turn Automatic VDB restart on:

  1. In the Datasets panel, select the VDB.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Source sub-tab.

  4. Select Database edit.