Data management settings for SAP ASE dSources
Each dSource has its own data management settings, which can be configured during the linking workflow as well as on the configuration page for that dSource. You can configure data management settings to improve overall performance and meet your requirements.
The following settings are available for SAP ASE data sources:
Setting |
Explanation |
Backup Path |
The directory where Delphix will search for backups for data ingestion. Delphix recursively searches this location, so the database backups or transaction logs can reside in any subdirectories below the path entered. |
Validated Sync Mode |
ASE Validated Sync is either enabled or disabled. Delphix stays in sync with source databases by monitoring the ASE backup server log or dump history file (depending on the dSource configuration). When it sees a new database dump or transaction log has been created, it attempts to load it into the ASE staging instance.
Dump History |
Delphix Validated Sync will leverage Dump History files to locate and ingest backups. This setting is recommended to improve the data ingestion and syncing processes. |
LogSync |
When enabled, Delphix copies the transaction logs to Delphix storage to allow precise point-in-time provisioning. If Dump History is not enabled, due to SAP ASE CR 800569, Delphix can only support transaction logs generated in intervals greater than one minute apart for SAP ASE versions 16.0 SP02 through SAP ASE 16.0 SP02 PL04. This ASE bug inadvertently removed the second and millisecond precision from the dump header sequence dates preventing Delphix from knowing what order to apply the transaction logs when there are multiple transaction logs dumped within the same minute.
Source of Production Backup |
You may select a staging or remote server as the location for the Delphix Engine to ingest backups. Selecting a staging server is the most common application for ingesting source-based backups. One major reason for this is the ability to use Validated Sync to coordinate backup ingestion.
Dump Password |
SAP ASE has an optional field for database dumps (backups) to prevent unauthorized loads. If enabled, Delphix will need to store the dump password in order to restore the SAP ASE backup for ingestion. Delphix also provides the option to propagate password protection to established dSources in the case of an active password on the originating database dump or transaction log dump files. Setting this option causes Delphix to add the "WITH passwd=" clause to the "LOAD" commands. |
Enter the Backup location. This is the directory where the database backups are stored. Delphix recursively searches this location, so the database backups or transaction logs can reside in any subdirectories below the path entered.
Select the Staging environment and ASE instance name.
Enable or disable Validated Sync Mode. Validated Sync Mode (also known as ValidatedSync) is a background process that looks for new full or transaction log backups either by monitoring ASE Backup Server’s log file or Dump History file for a new database or transaction log dumps. When Delphix detects a new dump is available it attempts to load it into the staging ASE database.
Enable or disable Use dump history. If Dump History is enabled, Delphix uses the ASE Dump History file to find information about backups being performed on the source database and to find the next backup to be used for Validated Sync.
Enable or disable LogSync. LogSync copies the transaction logs to Delphix storage which enables provisioning VDBs from a specific point-in-time in rather than just a particular backup
LogSync support[If Dump History is not active on the Source Database] Due to ASE CR 800569, Delphix can only support transaction logs generated in intervals greater than one minute apart in ASE versions 16.0 SP02 through ASE 16.0 SP02 PL04. This ASE bug inadvertently removed the second and millisecond precision from the dump header sequence dates preventing Delphix from knowing what order to apply the transaction logs in when there are multiple transaction logs dumped within the same minute.
Select Backup location type.
Click Advanced to edit Source of Production Dump, External Data Directory, Retention policies, or Dump Password.
External Data DirectoryThe External Data Directory feature is not currently used with ASE dSources and is targeted for removal in a future release of Delphix.
Remote Server should be selected when database dumps cannot be found on the Staging Environment. This option can be used with any of the initial load selections (New Full Backup, Most Recent Existing Full Backup or Specific Existing Full Backup). If selected, fill out additional settings as needed:
Enter the Remote Server Name. This is the name of the backup server used when the dump was created.
Select the Remote Host and Remote User that the backup server is located on.
As noted, the interfaces file on both the staging and remote environments must be modified to point at each other's backup servers.
The Create Dump Password sets a dump password for the dSource. Select this only if the dump password option was used to create a password on the database dump or transaction log dump files. Setting this option causes Delphix to add the "WITH passwd=" clause to the "LOAD" commands.