CLI cookbook: configuring SAP ASE manual discovery


This topic describes how to use CLI commands to manually add ASE repositories to an SAP ASE environment. Discovery is the process by which the Delphix Engine identifies data sources and data dependencies on a remote environment. SAP ASE repository discovery is done automatically when an environment is added to the Delphix Engine or when an already added environment is refreshed. In some cases, automatic discovery does not discover all of the repositories in an SAP ASE environment. These repositories may be added using manual discovery.

Unlike automatically discovered instances, manually discovered instances are not automatically deleted if the environment is refreshed when the instance is not running. The physical attributes such as ASE listener port, installation directory, and instance owner are not updated during an environment refresh either. If you change a physical attribute, you must manually update the repository.

To manually discover an SAP ASE repository you will need to:

  • Add an SAP ASE environment

  • Use CLI to manually discover a repository

Creating an SAP ASE environment

Please refer to Adding an SAP ASE Environment for detailed steps.

Manually discover a repository

This example uses sc-dev3.dc1 as the example environment.

  1. Log into CLI and cd to the repository menu:

    $ ssh admin@sc-dev3.dc1
    sc-dev3.dc1> cd repository 
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository>
  2. Add (manually discover) an SAP ASE repository instance:

    The values used in the following code block are specific to the example instance we are adding.
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository> create
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> ls
        type: ASEInstance
        credentials: (unset)
        dbUser: (unset)
        dumpHistoryFile: (unset)
        environment: (required)
        installationPath: (required)
        instanceName: (required)
        instanceOwner: (required)
        isqlPath: (unset)
        linkingEnabled: true
        ports: (required)
        provisioningEnabled: true
        servicePrincipalName: (unset)
        staging: false
        version: (unset)
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set credentials.type=PasswordCredential
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set credentials.password=sybase
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set dbUser=sa
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set 
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set installationPath=/opt/sybase/15-7/sp139/install
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set instanceName=ASE157_TGT
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set instanceOwner=sybase
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> set ports=5400
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> ls
        type: ASEInstance
            type: PasswordCredential (*)
            password: ******** (*)
        dbUser: sa (*)
        dumpHistoryFile: (unset)
        environment: (*)
        installationPath: /opt/sybase/15-7/sp139/install (*)
        instanceName: ASE157_TGT (*)
        instanceOwner: sybase (*)
        isqlPath: (unset)
        linkingEnabled: true
        ports: 5400 (*)
        provisioningEnabled: true
        servicePrincipalName: (unset)
        staging: false
        version: (unset)
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository create *> commit
    sc-dev3.dc1 repository>

Updating a repository

Adding onto the above, the following example illustrates updating an SAP ASE instance's version after upgrading SAP ASE:

Take caution when setting the version string. Make sure it matches the output as displayed by the "select @@version" query all the way out to the patch level (PL). For example, "15.7 SP138" or "16.0 SP02 PL01".
sc-dev3.dc1> repository 
sc-dev3.dc1 repository> select ASE157_TGT
sc-dev3.dc1 repository 'ASE157_TGT'> update 
sc-dev3.dc1 repository 'ASE157_TGT' update *> set version="15.7 SP139"sc-dev3.dc1 repository 'ASE157_TGT' update *> ls
    type: ASEInstance
        type: PasswordCredential
        password: ********
    dbUser: sa
    dumpHistoryFile: (unset)
    installationPath: /opt/sybase/15-7/sp139/install
    instanceOwner: sybase
    isqlPath: /opt/sybase/15-7/sp139/install/OCS-15_0/bin/isql_r64
    linkingEnabled: true
    ports: 5400
    provisioningEnabled: true
    servicePrincipalName: (unset)
    staging: false
    version: 15.7 SP139
sc-dev3.dc1 repository 'ASE157_TGT' update *> commit
sc-dev3.dc1 repository 'ASE157_TGT'>